Drag Racing Crackdown In Wayne County, Michigan

Drag racing is a dangerous activity, and Michigan is cracking down on reckless drivers. After one street racer caused the death of a 9-year-old in Detroit, Michigan police have announced that they are increasing their efforts to stop drag racers and reckless drivers. These efforts include the increase of unmarked police vehicles to monitor the streets, as well as helicopters to keep a watchful eye from the sky.

Due to these increased efforts by police, there will be an increase in tickets issued for reckless driving and racing due to there being more eyes on the road. This means it is important to understand exactly what will happen if you get caught drag racing. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Drag Racing?

When you think of drag racing, perhaps you think of a big flag and two cars zooming off in the same direction. However, the law defines drag racing as a competitive attempt to out-distance each over a predetermined course. By meeting these criteria, you can be charged with drag racing even if you never go faster than the speed limit.

In addition, you can be ticketed without actually racing. If you’re caught assisting in the competitive use of vehicles, you can be charged as a participant. For example, if you’re watching the race but keeping an eye out for the police, you can be found guilty of drag racing.

While this may seem extreme, it’s important to remember that drag racing is dangerous not just for the drivers, but for those around them. This is one of the reasons why Michigan police are cracking down on drivers, and why the penalties for drag racing are so high.

Drag Racing Penalties

While drag racing may seem fun, it’s dangerous and can cost you dearly if you’re caught. Depending on the severity of your crime, you can be punished for drag racing with:

  • Up to 90-day imprisonment
  • Fines up to $100
  • License suspension up to 1 year

And these are just the base consequences of racing. There are long-term consequences that can greatly affect things such as insurance rates in addition to other fines and fees. All of these consequences can escalate if your drag racing causes an accident or injury to yourself or another individual.

Reckless Driving Tickets

Aside from the possibility of jail time or having your license suspended, you should be aware that your tickets, while expensive in their own right, can end up costing more than the initial fee. Aside from the initial cost of your ticket, you’ll also have to pay an increased amount for your auto insurance. Here are two common tickets and how much they’ll raise car insurance rates annually in Michigan.

Drag Racing Ticket                                  $7,437                   176%                 $4,744

Reckless Driving Ticket                           $7,610                   183%                 $4,917

As you can see, this goes far beyond the base cost of a ticket. Drag racing can cost you, and with so many police keeping a watchful eye, it’s better to avoid the risk.

Understanding The Point System

While you’ll receive your initial ticket and pay it, you need to understand how the point system works and how it will affect your insurance rates over time. Traffic points essentially operate as a ranking system of sorts, informing your insurance company of how good or bad of a driver you are.

Depending on the severity of your traffic infraction, you will receive a certain number of points which will mark your driving record. The more points you receive, the more you’ll pay in insurance. Certain traffic tickets will result in a different number of points. For instance, a ticket for going 1-5mph over the limit will result in 1 point, whereas 26+mph will result in 4 points. In Michigan, you can receive 4 points should you get caught drag racing.

Normally, you can expect a point to remain on your driving record for up to two years. However, some points can be removed should you choose to complete a driver improvement course. Completion of such a course would then further impact the total cost of your ticket. 

Getting your Car Seized

Michigan police have begun seizing cars used in drag races. While you can have your car seized by accumulating too many points, you can also have it seized by disobeying certain traffic laws.

Aside from potential criminal penalties for drag racing, the police can seize your car. The police are allowed to take possession of your vehicle either at the time of the infraction or any point after. Furthermore, if the police take your vehicle, they can ask the court to order its forfeiture, and then sell the vehicle in an auction.

How To Get Your Car Back

If the police take your vehicle, you probably want it back. While the police can ask for forfeiture of your vehicle, the court does not have to approve it. Several factors will be considered by the judge before making a decision. The circumstances of your offense, your criminal record, and your traffic record/accumulation of points will all be analyzed by the judge to make a fair decision.

Your best bet in securing the return of your vehicle is to obtain a traffic attorney. Navigating the nuances of traffic court by yourself will likely leave you overwhelmed and confused. However, some individuals make it their mission to help represent individuals in court to ensure fair trials and to help provide all of the facts and circumstances. If you’re facing tickets, criminal charges, or trying to get your vehicle back, reach out to a traffic attorney today.

We Can Help!

At Traffic Buddy, we believe that every individual should have access to legal representation for any traffic-related charges. From racing tickets to forfeiture of vehicles, we make it our mission to help provide all the facts to help ensure you receive the minimum possible penalties for any supposed infraction. If you need traffic court representation, reach out today!